Thursday, 15 May 2014
Reflection of activity.
I continue by reflecting on the Knowledge and Understanding of the World (KUW) activity and discuss how Information and communication Technology (ICT) supported learning for the children during the lesson. I choose this area of learning as the class teacher informed me that this is a new skill the children need to acquire according to the Bridgend County council skills ladder. I intend to support my findings in the light of current literature.
The children seemed to enjoy listening and learning about Laura Ashley’s life, they appeared to be paying appropriate attention sitting quietly and looking at the pictures in the information book. At the end of the book I asked the children some open questions such as ‘Who can tell me what kind of clothing Laura Ashley made?’ ‘Can you describe the fabric she used?’ I ensured to asked these questions to provide opportunities for the children “… to engage with ideas rather than closed questions that demand only short, factual responses.”(Hammersley-Fletcher et al 2006, p, 47) Hammersley et al (2006) state that questions plays a key role in supporting learning. I agree with this statement, by questioning the children and listening to their response’s indicated their level of comprehension. Some of the children independently described the flower fabric patterns Laura Ashley used and why she used them. By beginning to talk about famous a women from the past this suggests that some of the children are beginning to apply the skill required to be able to meet the outcome at a later date. After the group discussion I explained to the children that they were going to design a fabric using software on the computer and reminded them to think about what designs Laura Ashley made. I modeled how to use the pattern making templates as “ children need to be taught some simple skills and techniques” (Cooper al, 2010, p 64) Several authors Elson (2007), Price (2012) ,Cooper et al(2010) and Hall (2010) identify that to add value to a child’s learning experience ICT should be meaningful and used “…for a real purpose” (Cooper et al,2010, p, 57) and not just a new skill to be learned although Price (2012) state that “…being able to handle and operate ICT is obviously essential” (p,7). Reflecting on my activity I value that children need to be able to handle and operate ICT otherwise it can be frustrating for the child and possibly resulting in them giving up on the task. This could have negative consequences on their self esteem. Rudd and Tyldesley (2006) states that using ICT …”should also encourage a positive attitude and disposition to learn and aim to prevent early failure.” (P, 68) During the activity I observed the children to ensure they were enjoying and able to and operate the programme. It appears that ICT made learning meaningful during this activity as the children were given the opportunity to use the 2simple, 2 paint a picture programme. The children were able to experiment with a variety of brush styles and pattern making templates. This activity would not be successful without the use of ICT. Beauchamp (2012) state that a unique feature of ICT is speed as it can make processes happen more quickly than other methods. Designing fabric by using another method such as sponge painting to create patterns would have been very time consuming and would probably take more than one session to complete the activity as there would have been more preparation before the activity and cleaning up afterwards. Rudd and Tyldesley (2006) also state that Other benefits of using ICT to support learning is giving the children the opportunity to build on what they already know and can do. Hall (2010) state that by using the mouse it helped developed fine motor control, I believe that this was also beneficial to some of the boys in the group who have difficulty in maintaining the correct pencil grip. Rudd and Tyldesley(2006) suggest that some children may have no or little experience using a mouse and as a practitioner it is our role to support the children in these cases. Some of the children found it difficult to control the mouse and needed little support to use to maneuver to the desired areas on the monitor. Two children needed 1:1 support, however to ensure that the child’s work was personal and uniquely their own I talked and discussed with them which colours ,brush size and which shape flower they wanted to create. I believe that giving the opportunity for the children to create a fabric using software inspired the children. Most of them confidently chose colours swapping them if they had changed their mind and erasing when they felt appropriate. They all appeared so happy with the work they produced and were smiling when we saved their work to their own personal file. This suggests that although the children did not meet the outcome as it was the first time for the outcome to be introduced the use of ICT had a positive impact on learning as I believe all the children enjoyed participating in this activity .Most of them were coming over to the computer and watching their friends for a short period and asking if they could go next, this is not something I whiteness during a writing or math’s lesson! The class teacher was so pleased with the work the children had produced that she wanted me to create a display from their work. The children were given the opportunity to enhance their learning by using the pattern they had created to make a dress from paper using a stencil in the following weeks enhance provisions. I have used the children’s fabric designs and statements of information that they could remember about Laura Ashley to make an information display all about her life. The display has been made interactive to provide a range of ICT experiences as suggested by DCELLS (2008) including talking tins. Some children recorded basic information of what is visible on the wall display. I am so pleased with what the children have achieved by doing this activity and it was made possible through the use and impact of ICT. I now have more confidence in using the 2simple programme and have familiarised myself with the other programmes it has to offer. During enhanced and contintious provisions I am able to choose a relevant software programme that will enhance learning ,for example out theme this term is in my little garden. 2simple has a programme that allows the children to independently create a garden and plant, water them and watch them grow into flowers and vegetables. I feel that my activity was successful although we only had one computer on offer next time it would be useful to have two computers. I was conscious of the time because the activity was done before afternoon play and I had to tell two of the children that they had a few minuets left to finish their design as play time was fast approaching. Next time maybe it would be beneficial to do the activity in a longer session to ensure all children had enough time to explore and create a design.
Beauchamp, G. (2012) ICT in the primary school. Oxford: Routledge.
Elston, C. (2007) Using ICT in the primary school. London: SAGE.
Cooper,L. Johnson, J. Rotchell, E. and Woolley, R. (2010) Supporting Development in the Early Years Foundation Phase Knowledge and Understanding of The World .London: Continuum.
DCELLS. (2008) Framework for Children’s Learning for 3-7-year olds in Wales. Cardiff: WG.
Hall, D. (2010) The ICT handbook for primary school teachers. Oxford: Routledge.
Hammersley-Fletcher, L, Lowe, M and Pugh, J. (2006) The Teaching Assistant’s Guide. Oxford: Routledge.
Price, H. (2012) The Really Useful Book Of ICT In The Early Years. Oxford: Routledge.
Rudd, A. and Tyldesley, A. (2006) Literacy and ICT in the Primary School. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
A sigh of relief
What can I say? Do I feel challenged? Yes defiantly. This module has been a frustrating one for me as I have had a few ICT difficulties over the last two months which has made doing my assignment more difficult. On a positive note apart from ICT hitches I have learned so many new ICT skills. I have gained more confidence in using various programmes, apps, and of course how to blog. I've familiarised my self with what ICT my school has to offer the children, although I must say I don't feel that we use ICT to our advantage, this could be down to the lack of computers or reliable computers and not enough iPads to be able to share on a regular basis and just the fact that we are limited to what we can offer on a regular basis. It seems as though the use of ICT is on an occasional basis from my experience. I have gained a deeper ICT awareness at home and school . I have never stopped to think long enough about the true value of ICT and it's benefits. I do hope that in the future I use more ICT in school. Children thoroughly enjoy using it and from doming this assignment I can truly see how it can enhance learning!
ADHD As A Difference In Cognition, Not A Disorder:
Truly inspired
Just another technical hitch :-(
I don't know if it's me or my luck with ICT is just laughable, if I don't laugh I will cry and prob won't stop! Just came to do some blogging and the picture below will say it all!! Any ideas what's happened here???
2simple software
I decide to use 2simple, 2 paint a picture software to support learning during my ICT activiy.
The children were given the opportunity to design a pattern inspired by Laura Ashley . I must say I have worked in my school for almost 7 years and have never used this programme with the children( bad I know!) however, what a fantastic programme and the children loved it all anxiously waiting their turn as we only have one working computer in the class. This task was made so much easier thanks to ICT! We made Laura Ashley information display and the children cut out a dress using their own unique design!I'll definitely be supporting and encouraging the children to use this programme during provisions.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
My little ICT hitches during this module
Throughout the ICT supporting learning module I can confidently say that my computer has really let me down. As a result this has been a challenging module. Talk about having major difficulties in being able to access a PC to be able to do this assignment is an understatement! Here's just a few ICT problems I've encountered over the last few weeks:
* my computer slows down and stops working
* as I'm a bit of an iPad dummy it was difficult getting blogs started
* computer doesn't come on anymore- it's going in the trash!!
* confusion at currys when trying to purchase a new lap top.
* husbands work lap top has blocked blogger, great when you need to blog!
* having to rely on my husbands old work laptop to do the power point and the screen is smashed so not the most enjoyable experience!
* husband has gone away with work and taken the lap top charger so I to try and charge the old lap top in the car = flat battery Aaaaaarrrrrrghhhhhh!!!!
*husbands lap top won't allow me to install anything - things that would have been useful for this module!
*husbands lap top won't allow me to install anything - things that would have been useful for this module!
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Leapfrog interactive learning
I have always been a fan of leapfrog products and their toys and have bought many of them to support learning for my children from the alphabet to phonics and numbers. I bought Niall the interactive leapreader two years ago for Christmas and he has been able to learn so much by using both with myself and independently. He uses his leapreader with the interactive human body discovery pack and with the solar system adventure pack. Being interactive has made learning so much more fun and when he now looks at other human body or space/solar system books he is able to make connections with what he has heard from his leapreader. He often likes to question and inform me of what he has learned when it comes to space and a recent question he asked me was " what do you call a group of stars mammy?... a galaxy! " and " stars are burning balls of gas!" So I'm also learning new facts!!
2 simple software
The children in reception are able to access 2 simple software during their enhanced and continuous provisions and this week . The programme is also used to support other areas of learning during focused activities.I have been showing the children an interactive programme called simple city where they can plant seeds & water them and watch them grow into flowers and vegetables ( pic below) This is a great programme and is a great opportunity to support and enhance learning particularly during our new theme this term ' In my little garden' . 2 simple has so much to offer I really am enjoying watching the children use many of the programmes independently to support literacy, maths and creative development. Fun learning just what children need to thrive!
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Friday, 2 May 2014
Inspired by Pinterest
Loving Pinterest recently, can always rely on this app to help inspire me when asked to do a classroom display or renovate the role play area. When I am at home I usually screen capture any pictures that inspire me so I can show my class teacher the ideas. Unfortunately the PC does not work in the area where I work so I am unable to access Pinterest via the internet and do this during school time at the moment. This term we are changing our role play area into 'bob's garden centre' here are some picture that inspired me on Pinterest ...
Interactive Whiteboard supporting literacy
Today I used the interactive whiteboard to support literacy with a group of 5 year 1 children. The programme we used was letters and sounds which I accessed via the internet. They played a yes/no silly question game, they really enjoyed it this was a fun way of reading for understanding. Much more fun than a reading from a work sheet or book and for the children who have difficulty with handwriting they could easily answer by clicking on the right answer!
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Coconut oil benefits
I have recently decided to make some healthy changes to my diet and a friend mentioned she cooks and bakes with coconut oil as it has great health benefits. I decided to do a little research into it myself and to my amazement and the help of technology I discovered that coconut oil has, wait for it..... 101, yes 101 benefits. Again with the advantage of technology I have bought some with one click of a button from amazon! This was the best deal I come across at the time of purchase. I am also interested in buying a recipe book meals that heal to inspire me to help me make life long changes to my diet. I've got to say it tastes and smells amazing, plus no saturated fat- 100% pure coconut oil! I've made sweet potato wedges, fried chicken with it and I've even put it some dry patches on my face. Never going back to any other oil!!
Monday, 28 April 2014
Super slow PC :(
Having a little technology bother to say the least!! My husbands work lap top won't allow me to access blogger= nightmare as his lap top is pretty reliable and my PC is so slow I could knit faster than it. Which means I've been sat looking at a screen since 8pm this evening and have manage to attatch ONE hyper link to one of my blogs and it is now 8.39 pm. Talk about technology having a negative effect on ones well being is an understatement # screamingrightnow!!! So I am now using Niall's I pad mini to blog about my troubles which is fine ,but I am having difficulty in attaching any hyper links.... Feeling sad bloggers :( suggestions are welcome my way
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Modern feet measuring technology
Well I had a surprise today at Clark's shoe shop at mc Arthur glen shopping outlet. Child friendly and interactive foot measuring! Haven't seen anything like this before!! The shop assistant held an iPad like tablet devise(I'm a little unsure what this devise was- but I'm going to try and research it) and asked Freya if she wanted to chose 'Jack' or 'Daisy' on the screen there was a character image of a boy and girl, Freya immediately pressed the girl image, the shop assistant then asked her age and encouraged her to find the correct digit and press the green tick to confirm. She then slotted the devise in to the machine in which Freya was standing on and hey presto it measured her feet!!! I managed to take a picture on my ever so handy I phone 5 of my niece having her feet measured. Was very impressed with this technology. From experience when my children were younger getting feet measured can be stressful especially when your 2 year old son can't sit still for longer than 30 seconds and ends up having a tantrum and refusing to put his foot in the plastic hand held foot measurer he would have loved getting involved with this new modern technology! Well done Clark's!!
Friday, 18 April 2014
Spring has arrived .... So have the mini beasts
What a beautiful day today! Spent some time in the garden with Jay the husband Niall & Freya. Mainly just sorting out, power jetting and weeding. Freya in particular loved discovering all the mini beasts ,she found the biggest wiggly worm I've seen and a teeny tiny lady bug . My I phone 5 came in particularly handy to capture a picture of her investigating how they moved and how they differed in texture without it I wouldn't have captured this amazing moment. We then used the iPad mini and used google images to look at various mini beasts that could also be living in our garden. Niall however was happy to observe and encourage his little sister to do the dirty work! My gorgeous girly girl is defiantly not afraid to get her hands dirty! I couldn't resist so I used piccollage to display these pictures.

Great Geography
Niall my son has a big interest in information books ,encyclopaedias from dinosaurs to space and planets. In fact when he visits the library these are usually the kind of books he borrows. At Christmas I bought him an usborne flags of the world book and he's recently asked me to download flagsquiz app and I am amazed on what flags he recognises, in fact I am ashamed to say he recognised more than me! Niall's has been able to extended his geographical interests by playing the flagsquiz app on his iPad mini, this also gave opportunity to enhance his phonic knowledge and spelling. Lower pictures show which ones Niall recognised and named. Yet another great learning app here!!
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
what's app a must for ladies
I have recently been thinking how brilliant whats app is for us ladies when we are finding it difficult to chose an outfit to go out, unsure on what to buy or just an opinion on how you look. ! My friend and I love sending each other pictures of clothing we are thinking of buying or just want their opinion on what we look like in a particular dress or anything really. A much better and more positive response than " yeh... it looks okay" from your husband who is not even looking or not even at all interested! Us ladies like to be 100% sure that we look really nice, isn't that true ladies??? So get whats app it's free.
ICT frustration
Although ICT has major benefits it also has it's negatives, especially in our school! At the moment I am running a Number and Play programme with 6 parents and their children from the reception class. For my portfolio and evidence I take pictures of the children working alongside their parents doing some lovely activities.This week our class fuji film camera battery that had supposedly been charged was not or is so old that it isn't holding it's charge. I took one picture and that was it-flat, and for love nor money would not come back on! This was so frustrating and the other battery we have was also flat as nobody had put it in to charge. Note to self- make sure I have back up batteries.
Monday, 24 March 2014
2 aminate
.......Water of a duck's back. Had so much fun doing this. We have this software at our school although I have not used this programme with the reception children, cant wait to use it-EXCITED!!!
On the weekend my self and my family (husband, Niall and Freya) went to Glyncorrwg ponds and spotted frogspawn!! I loved and was fascinated by frogspawn as a child so I though id share my enthusiasm with my two kiddie winkles!! I am hoping that this experience will stay with my children, it was windy and cold and they loved running around in their wellies walking through parts of pond. unfortunately Daddy couldn't walk through the pond as he didn't have his wellies on! We used the i Pad to take some pictures of pond life and it's surroundings and we went straight to the library to get some information books on frog life cycle. They sat for ages scanning through the books, comparing the frogspawn in the book and the picutre we had on the I pad. We are hoping to go weekly and monitor the development and take more pictures. By the end we are really hoping to see some frogs hopping about. There is an app 'Picollage' that we are hoping to use to dispaly our very own frog life cycle on! Fingers crossed we will be able to do this, however i'm sure technlogoy can assist if we miss some of the development. This is the frog spawn we spotted in the pond!!
I pad supporting numeracy
My son loves his I pad min and recently I have been tricking him into thinking he's' playing' on it but really he's writing number sentences independantly! This was a numeracy target for him that was discussed in parents evening recently. I have recently downloaded the 'sand draw' app which is working a treat and it's free!!He has been WILLINGLY writing 3 adding and 3 subtraction number sentences succcesfully and independantly! It makes me feel happy that I am not battling with him about doing 'work' lately, he's even asking to do 'maths'. I am going to switch it to literacy and get him to do some short sentences! Keep you posted on how that one goes. Happy boy = happpy mammy!!!
Monday, 10 March 2014
ICT at my school
At my school we are very unfortunate and ICT is quite poor. We have recently invested in some I pads, although we only have 20 ipdas for 260 pupils! We do have a beebot , talking tins,smart board in the nursery and year 1 although our children (reception) have never accessed them . ICT is rarely used to support learning . I think this might be because we don't have enough ICT for all to access and that our resources are old and are not always reliable.
Monday, 3 March 2014
I am a part time studying for a foundation degree in learning support in the University of Wales Trinity St Davids. Life can be quite hectic and stressful on times. I have recently decided to have some balance in life and take 1-2 hours a week to pracise yoga and meditation . I also have a beautiful family, a husband and two children that I love very much and spending quality time with them is of upmost importance.
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