Monday, 24 March 2014

I pad supporting numeracy

My son loves his I pad min and recently I have been tricking him into thinking he's' playing' on it but really he's writing number sentences independantly! This was a numeracy target  for him that was discussed in parents evening recently. I have recently downloaded the 'sand draw' app which is working a treat and it's free!!He has been WILLINGLY writing 3 adding and 3 subtraction number sentences succcesfully and independantly! It makes me feel happy that I am not battling with him about doing 'work' lately, he's even asking to do 'maths'. I am going to switch it to literacy and get him to do some short sentences! Keep you posted on how that one goes. Happy boy = happpy mammy!!!


  1. How much did you pay for the ipad mini Lisa? I would like to buy some for school we now have apple TV in the library.

    1. We bought the I pad mini from tesco direct (so points for us) for about £240. Great for young children, they are able to handle it with ease!

  2. We have new mini Ipads but they are still in their boxes, I managed to borrow 4 from the junior department to carry out my activity.

  3. That sounds like it will be a useful app for Kristos. I will defiatly look into it. This blogging is great as i will reloo at home later to get the app !!

  4. Yes great app for boys, tricking them into thinking they are 'playing' on the I pad! Really useful for letter and number formation for young children.
